Mina Image Centre

Press Mentions /

Author: Thomas

June 11 – July 20, 2022

When I went to film Beirut after the August 4th, 2020 port blast, I found destroyed places that I had previously filmed in the post-war 1990s. I thought of those places – their residents and memories –, how they disappear again and again, and how our images soon become archives.

I became obsessed with documentation and archiving early on, maybe because I was born in a city that was gone. I started to look for it in films. I worked on chronicling the history of cinema in Lebanon, precisely in search of that city.

I treated feature films as archival material that would help me recapture the place and the atmosphere, even if watching them was often difficult.

“In this Place: Reels of Beirut” takes us back to the area extending from the port to the hotels, passing through the central business district, through the lens of five shorts consisting of a montage of scenes assembled from 50 Lebanese, Arab and foreign fiction films made between 1935 and 1975.

Welcome to Beirut, The Port, Downtown, The Hotel, The Cabaret. Text, moving and still images, posters – all in a small space that recalls the wider place.

Hady Zaccak


Author: Thomas

4 May – 4 June, 2021
The installation Beirut Kaputt? is a reflection on the representation of violence. It consists of two juxtaposed works: a video montage of social media clips of the Beirut Port explosion and the painting All That Remains by Lebanese artist Ayman Baalbaki.
The project allows us to reflect on the constant recycling of traumatic news, imagery, headlines and captions and how this can add to, rather than appease, our traumatic experiences. How, rather than engaging in nuanced reflection, fast media often exploits traumatic events by triggering a most basic human emotion: fear.

In The Press

Selections Arts | Beirut Kaputt?

The installation Beirut Kaputt? is a reflection on the representation of violence. It consists of two juxtaposed works: a video montage of social media clips of the Beirut Port explosion and the painting All That Remains by Lebanese artist Ayman Baalbaki.


Author: Thomas

4 August, 2020 – Present

On 4th August, 2020, Mina sustained considerable damage during the Beirut Port explosion which devastated the port area and its surrounding neighbourhoods. As well as the immediate impact on lives and livelihoods, the long term aftermath of the explosion on the social and cultural fabric of Beirut is enormous and will be felt for years to come. The adjoining areas of Gemmayzeh and Mar Mikhael were once considered the pulse of Beirut’s artistic and cultural scene, and the heritage buildings, homes and businesses in these hard-hit neighbourhoods are currently undergoing an arduous process of rebuilding and renovation.

Months after the explosion hit, Mina has decided to come back to life, not merely as an act of defiance against the perpetrators of the blast, but also to give back to a community and a neighbourhood that has contributed so much during the past few decades only to suffer so much loss after a year of economic collapse and criminal political negligence.

Mina is currently seeking funds to help rebuild the physical space from supporting partners, institutions and donors. Once the necessary funds have been raised, Mina will begin rebuilding and renovating, a process that will take approximately six weeks to complete should the external circumstances allow for it.

In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and look forward to welcoming you all in our newly renewed space the soonest possible.

Mina Image Centre after 4th August 2020

Mina Image Centre Under Reconstruction


Author: Thomas

25 October – 4 November, 2019

In solidarity with and participation in the popular uprisings taking place across Lebanon against the current systems of power, we the undersigned cultural organizations and structures collectively commit to Open Strike, and call for our colleagues in the cultural sector to join us.

Arts and Culture are an integral part of every society, and the expanded space of creative and critical thought is imperative in times of upheaval. The strike is therefore not a withdrawal of the arts and culture from this moment, but rather a suspension of “business as usual.” 

In this period, we will maintain minimum necessary administrative and basic operations, with team-members who are willingly fulfilling our respective responsibilities. The strike is also in response to the desires of team members to be on the street, a desire we are legally and ethically bound to.

While on strike, we are connecting with colleagues across sectors and groups to formulate together what we can contribute to the movement. We are part of a national, regional and global desire to dream, think, fight for, enact and embody radical imaginations leading to structural and systemic change. See you on the streets. 


  • Arab Image Foundation
  • ُThe Arab Fund for Arts and Culture – AFAC
  • Beirut Art Center
  • Sursock Museum
  • UMAM Documentation & Research
  • House of Today
  • TAP/ Temporary Art Platform
  • Beirut DC
  • Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture
  • The Hangar
  • MACAM – Modern And Contemporary Art Museum
  • Culture Resource (Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy)
  • Metropolis Art Cinema
  • Irtijal
  • Ashkal Alwan


  • Shams: The Cultural Cooperative Association for Youth in Theatre and Cinema
  • Ettijahat-Independent Culture
  • Seenaryo
  • Beirut Art Residency’
  • Samandal
  • Bidayyat
  • Ishbilia Theatre and Art hub- Saida
  • Action for Hope
  • Collectif Kahraba
  • Sfeir-Semler Gallery
  • Beirut and Beyond
  • Dar Onboz
  • Mina Image Centre
  • KOON Theater Group
  • Minwal
  • Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association
  • Dar al-Mussawir
  • Selections
  • Zico House
  • Fondation Liban Cinema
  • Hammana Artist House
  • be:kult
  • Beirut Spring Festival
  • L’Orient des Livres
  • Editions Snoubar Bayrout
  • Clown me in

Author: Thomas

17 October – 30 November, 2019
Courtesy of the artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong for R for Resonance

R For Resonance By Ho Tzu Nyen​

2019, Installation with VR video 360 degrees, ambisonic sound through headphones, single-channel video projection, 6-channel sound

Gongs are ubiquitous ritual and musical objects found everywhere in Southeast Asia. To tell the story of the Gong in this region is to embark upon a story spanning at least 5,000 years, beginning with the Southeast Asian Bronze Age. In R for Resonance, this complex tale of cultural diffusion, technological adaptation, and social domination is condensed into a dream-like visual dictionary unfolding in Virtual Reality, in which the recurring form of the circle opens to ever-expanding rings of associative vibrations.

R for Resonance is the 9th volume of an ongoing project, The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia (CDOSEA). This project begins with a question: What constitutes the unity of Southeast Asia, a region never unified by language, religion or political power? CDOSEA proceeds by proposing 26 terms for the 26 letters of the English/ Latin alphabet; each is a concept, a motif, or a biography, serving as a thread that the artist uses to weave new tapestries of this region that isn’t one.

Courtesy of the artist

God’s Army (And Other Suffering Loves) By Jumana Emil Abboud​

2018-2019, Drawings, folded paper sculptures, wooden sculptures, video (1’24’’)

Unravelling the space between vessel and void, as well as desire and emptiness, God’s Army (and other suffering loves) draws its inspiration from the locust invasion of 1915 and other collective and personal misfortunes that enforce a state of exile, longing, and unrequitedness. The project draws our attention towards the question of how we move amidst extremes and between times; or rather, how we are forced into such states of being when circumstances are beyond our control. The artist’s research, drawings, sculptures, and video works stage an environment fixated in multi-layered and coded imagery. The works speak of entrapments, bilateral dimensions, gesturing language, loves unrequited, passions starved, and healing bruised⁠—mapped out across a deprived territory that is masquerading as abundance as it sways inside and outside of time.


“أكثر من ثلاثة عقود وهو ينبش في عالم يحاصره العنف وتحده حدود جغرافيا صنعها الإنسان. يقاوم النسيان بالذاكرة، لا الذاكرة الإلكترونية، بل تلك الحية النابضة، ويربط الماضي بالحاضر، ليس ذاك المشبع بالمآسي فقط، بل بالحياة اليومية في كل تمظهراتها.”


Author: Thomas

6 June – 11 August, 2019
  • Perhaps, in their attempt to meet, people seek to forget.​

    Hanna Mina “Snow Comes Through The Window”​

Unlike Hanna Mina, whose novel inspires the title of this exhibition, in his works, Taysir Batniji does not seek to forget, but to embody the concepts of void, absence and separation. His works are pivoted on the representation of absence and the possibility of the disappearance of its forms of representation. 

Batniji lives in Paris, where he works with a land from which he cannot work. In his recent work, Disruptions, he takes screenshots of encrypted WhatsApp conversations with his family in Gaza. At times, he would see his mother and at others he witnesses her disappearance. The scrambled images, sometimes due to poor internet connection and at other times because of war, transpose us to a space where the public and private are intertwined.

In Fathers, Taysir took images of fathers, whose photographs hung prominently in public spaces around the city of Gaza. The images foreshadow spaces where those photographs appear in workshops and shops around town, a majority of which may have been inherited and handed down by those absent fathers. 

The images are not much of a sociological work on fatherhood as much as a research work that deals with the relationship between the photograph and the duality of presence and absence, or the idea of the presence of absence. The Traceswith water colors collection then offers an interrogation of the aftermath of absence. 

Batniji draws on the works of Bernd and Hilla Becher on water tanks, to offer a topographic document of the Israeli watchtowers spreading throughout the West Bank. In Watchtowers, Batniji sought to produce an optical illusion, where the viewers believe that they recognize what they are seeing, its content and its author. It is only on close inspection that one realizes that these images have nothing to do with Becher’s techniques. Here Batniji, invites his viewers to look closely on this turbulent presence as he transforms it into a record of disappearance, absence and separation.

In The Press

Al Akhbar | تيسير البطنيجي: غزة أول الكلمات وآخرها

“أكثر من ثلاثة عقود وهو ينبش في عالم يحاصره العنف وتحده حدود جغرافيا صنعها الإنسان. يقاوم النسيان بالذاكرة، لا الذاكرة الإلكترونية، بل تلك الحية النابضة، ويربط الماضي بالحاضر، ليس ذاك المشبع بالمآسي فقط، بل بالحياة اليومية في كل تمظهراتها.”

Al Araby | تيسير البطنيجي.. نافذة مفتوحة على الغياب

يواصل الفنان الفلسطيني تيسير البطنيجي (١٩٦٦) مقاربة مفاهيم وثيمات تتعلق بالذاكرة والهوية والاحتلال والمكوث في المكان والعبور منه وإليه، عبر تفكيكها وتحويلها إلى عناصر مجرّدة ومصغّرة في رؤية تعيد ربطها بأفكار وسرديات موازية ومنحها عمقًا ومعاني جديدة


Born in Gaza in 1966, Taysir Batniji studied art at Al-Najah University in Nablus, Palestine. In 1994, he was awarded a fellowship to study at the School of Fine Arts of Bourges in France. Since then, he has been dividing his time between France and Palestine. During this period spent between two countries and two cultures, Batniji has developed a multi-media practice, including drawing, installation, photography, video and performance…

Already involved in the Palestinian art scene since the nineties, he multiplied his participation, since 2002, in a number of exhibitions, biennials and residencies in Europe and across the world.

Taysir was awarded the Abraaj Group Art Prize in 2012 and became the recipient of the Immersion residency program, supported by Hermes Foundation, in alliance with Aperture Foundation in 2017. His works can be found in the collections of many prestigious institutions of which the Centre Pompidou and the FNAC in France, the V&A and The Imperial War Museum in London, the Queensland Art Gallery in Australia and Zayed National Museum in Abu Dhabi.

Taysir Batniji’s work is represented by Sfeir-Semler Gallery (Hamburg/Beirut).

Join Our Guided Tours Of Taysir Batniji “Sand Comes Through The Window”

All artwork featured courtesy of the artist & Sfeir-Semler Gallery (Hamburg/Beirut)


Taysir Batniji’s exhibition at Mina Image Centre (6 June–11 August).

معرض لتيسير البطنيجي في مركز مينا للصورة (٦ حزيران- ١١ آب).

يواصل الفنان الفلسطيني تيسير البطنيجي (١٩٦٦) مقاربة مفاهيم وثيمات تتعلق بالذاكرة والهوية والاحتلال والمكوث في المكان والعبور منه وإليه، عبر تفكيكها وتحويلها إلى عناصر مجرّدة ومصغّرة في رؤية تعيد ربطها بأفكار وسرديات موازية ومنحها عمقًا ومعاني جديدة


اعتبرت أساليب ايرفينغ بن، ثورية في مجال التصوير التجاري، حيث كرس خلال الأربعينات استعمال الخلفية البيضاء أو المتقشفة، عند تصوير الأزياء والأغراض التجارية، بلا أي زيادات في الديكور والخلفية. وقد اقتُبس أسلوبه هذا على نطاق واسع، وساهم في تكريس الطابع الإختزالي المعاصر لأعماله. أما أساليب الإضاءة عند ايرفينغ بن، فهي حادة وموجهة بشكل عام، وقد كرست ما يمكن تسميته بـ«الروحانية التجارية»، التي سيطبقها على البورتريه والمواضيع غير التجارية ايضاً


نحو 50 صورة فوتوغرافية تحكي عن موضوعات مختلفة التقطها إيرفينغ بن بالأبيض والأسود وبالألوان خلال مشواره الفني (1917 – 2009)، يعرضها «مركز مينا للصورة» في بيروت تحت عنوان «لا مكترث» ويأتي هذا المعرض الذي يستمر حتى شهر أبريل (نيسان) المقبل بمثابة أول محطة لأعمال المصور العالمي الراحل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط


Author: Thomas

16 January – 28 April, 2019

Works From The Pinault Collection

Irving Penn (1917-2009), recognized as one of the masters of photography of the twentieth century, is widely admired for his iconic images of high fashion and for the remarkable portraits of the artists, writers, and celebrities who defined the cultural landscapes of his time. 

Drawing inspiration from Resonance, an exhibition organized by the Pinault Collection in 2014 at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice, the exhibition Untroubled seeks first and foremost to pay tribute to the photographer’s unique legacy.

At the heart of the resonance throughout Penn’s prolific body of work is the lasting influence of the core photographic principles he studiously developed early on. The serene consistency of his image production is deeply indebted to his scrupulous efforts, through the years, to abide by the technical and artistic commands he devised for himself. This self-imposed discipline result in a nearly flawless production.

Penn’s principles remain to this day as relevant as ever, so much so that they are still regarded as empirical truths in spite of the socio-economical, philosophic and aesthetic upheavals of a world that is constantly reinventing itself.

Exhibiting the work of Irving Penn to mark the opening of a new center for contemporary image production is a mission statement, one that embraces the history of photography and the work of the late masters while looking to the future. Penn’s work is a monument of epic artistic resilience, a major reference for contemporary photography and an endless source of inspiration for generations to come.

All the photographs that appear in this exhibition are drawn from the Pinault Collection. Although in date they span more than four decades, they are presented not as a retrospective but are loosely arranged by subject. 

Penn was first and foremost a studio photographer. His photographs, with their simple backdrops of paper, canvas, or bare wall, establish a spatial container at once formal and insular. Whether haute couture, still life, ethnography, or memento mori, the image is decontextualized, intense and demanding of attention. 

Penn’s subjects appear at first glance to be quite disparate – celebrities, skulls, cigarette butts. But removed from their natural environment and with an unflinching focus on their materiality, they achieve a democratic leveling that is the signature of Penn’s style. Each subject is equal under his gaze, a quiet yet insistent intruder into the neutral space of the studio. 

Trained as a painter, with photography as a side interest, Penn went on to study commercial art and was eventually hired in 1943 as assistant to Alexander Liberman, art director of Vogue in New York, who will become a life-long mentor and friend. That same year he began working for the magazine as a staff photographer and soon established himself as the most innovative professional in the field. 

Penn’s commercial success did not inhibit but rather fueled his personal artistic experimentation. In 1949-50 he embarked on a series of nudes that were remarkable for their abstraction. Unlike his work for the magazine, where the printing was in the hands of technicians and the images were made for wide distribution, in these photographs Penn had total control over every aspect of the printing. This first experience of close involvement with the print led him to investigate other processes in the 1960s, among them platinum-palladium printing. Practiced early in the twentieth century, the platinum process created an image that is virtually unlimited in its range of tonal variation. The various aesthetic possibilities of the platinum printing process also inspired Penn to revisit earlier work, printing in platinum and palladium photographs that he had originally printed in universally used gelatin silver. Indeed, the constant reworking of image would provide the fundamental structure of Penn’s creative approach. 

The exhibition thus presents the photographs not in a linear, chronological sequence but arranged in a manner that brings out their subliminal affinities. Commercial projects cohabit with ethnographic studies, discarded refuse with sophisticated models, cultural celebrities with animal skulls.
As Penn remarked, “It is all one thing”.

Photo Credit: The Hand of Miles Davis (C), New York, 1986 © The Irving Penn Foundation

In The Press

Al Modon | كاميرا ايرفينغ بن…حياة الفحم

اعتبرت أساليب ايرفينغ بن، ثورية في مجال التصوير التجاري، حيث كرس خلال الأربعينات استعمال الخلفية البيضاء أو المتقشفة، عند تصوير الأزياء والأغراض التجارية، بلا أي زيادات في الديكور والخلفية. وقد اقتُبس أسلوبه هذا على نطاق واسع، وساهم في تكريس الطابع الإختزالي المعاصر لأعماله. أما أساليب الإضاءة عند ايرفينغ بن، فهي حادة وموجهة بشكل عام، وقد …

Al Modon | كاميرا ايرفينغ بن…حياة الفحم Read More »

Asharq Al-Awsat | معرض «لا مكترث» لإيرفينغ بن يلتقط فوضى هادئة بعدسة كاميرا

نحو 50 صورة فوتوغرافية تحكي عن موضوعات مختلفة التقطها إيرفينغ بن بالأبيض والأسود وبالألوان خلال مشواره الفني (1917 – 2009)، يعرضها «مركز مينا للصورة» في بيروت تحت عنوان «لا مكترث» ويأتي هذا المعرض الذي يستمر حتى شهر أبريل (نيسان) المقبل بمثابة أول محطة لأعمال المصور العالمي الراحل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط

L’Œil de la Photographie | Irving Penn: Untroubled

Montrer l’œuvre d’Irving Penn pour la première fois au Moyen Orient, qui plus est, dans ce nouveau lieu destiné à la photographie contemporaine, est un message fort : c’est montrer que les grands maitres font partie intégrante des aspirations futures de cette nouvelle institution libanaise.

Join Our Guided Tours Of Irving Penn’s "UNTROUBLED"

This project was made possible with the support of Banque Libano-Française.


Irving Penn’s exhibition for the first time in the Middle East, in collaboration with Pinault Collection.

لا مكـتـــرث (ARB)
أول معرض لأعمال ايرفينغ بن في الشرق الأوسط، بالتعاون مع مجموعة بينو.

Montrer l’œuvre d’Irving Penn pour la première fois au Moyen Orient, qui plus est, dans ce nouveau lieu destiné à la photographie contemporaine, est un message fort : c’est montrer que les grands maitres font partie intégrante des aspirations futures de cette nouvelle institution libanaise.


تنساب الصور مع الوقت والتبدلات في رحلة كرونولوجية من التاريخ اللبناني. تبدو اللقطات أحياناً تسلسلية تحاكي واحدة الأخرى، لكنها تتصادم أحياناً، فيما تتمرّد بعض اللقطات المضيئة بذاتها الجمالية والشعورية على كل هذا السياق


Author: Thomas

20 November, 2017 – 20 January, 2018

Before Mina Image Centre officially opened its doors, the space hosted an exhibition of Lebanese photographer Fouad Elkoury under the title Passing Time. A book of the same name was published alongside the exhibition, showcasing photographs spanning over 40 years of his work in Lebanon.


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